


杨斌先生,于二零一六年二月加入本集团,为本集团行政总裁(中国)。彼亦为本公司若干附属公司之董事。杨先生负责管理本集团于中国内地及澳门餐饮业务之策略规划、业务管理及市场拓展。彼拥有逾二十年丰富管理经验,曾任职多间跨国企业,负责领导企业策略性业务发展,制定营运方向及拓展亚太区业务。杨先生持有Kellogg Business School,Northwestern University 及香港科技大学之工商管理硕士学位。

Mr Yang Bin, James

Managing Director (China)

Mr Yang Bin, James, joined the Group in February 2016 and is the Managing Director (China) of the Group. He also serves as a directorof a number of subsidiaries of the Company. Mr Yang is responsible forstrategic planning, business operation and market development of theGroup's catering businesses in Mainland China and Macau. He has over20 years of rich management experience gained from various international corporations where he was responsible for leading corporate strategic business development, formulating operation direction and expanding business in Asia Pacific region. Mr Yang holds Master's Degree in Business Administration from Kellogg Business School, Northwestern University and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
